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Titanic Experience Cobh

Live the history, feel the story at one of cork’s most popular tourist attractions, The titanic Experience Cobh. The Titanic Experience is located in the White Star Line Ticket Office, a building steeped in history.

Passengers aboard the Titanic from Queenstown/Cobh, were just a few of the millions aboard when the ship met its fateful end, but they were also the last to board at the Titanic’s final port of call in Queenstown, Ireland. At this unique tourist attraction, you can gain a little insight into the lives of the Irish passengers aboard the ship, who came to the White Star Line Ticket Office on Thursday, April 11th 1912.   Throughout your visit, you will embark on a virtual journey, joining the titanic for her maiden voyage to New York, learn about life and conditions aboard the Titanic and feel the chill of sinking when disaster strikes with a unique cinematographic experience.

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